Help For Dental Phobia

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Research indicates that as much as 9% to 15% of Americans avoid seeing the dentist due to anxiety and fear. That means that dental phobia, a very real condition, is plaguing about 30 million to 40 million people in the United States. It is common for these sufferers to endure gum infections, dental pain, damaged teeth or an unattractive smile because the thought of visiting the dentist triggers so much fear and anxiety.

Fortunately, modern dentistry offers ways to help people who experience dental fear, allowing them to get the dental care they need and deserve without discomfort or stress. Sedation dentistry comes in many forms. At Basin Dentistry, we offer all types of sedation dentistry, including oral conscious sedation, nitrous oxide and IV sedation.

Sedation dentistry can be used safely in both children and adults. Most patients prefer nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, to help them get through their dental visit. This form of sedation involves breathing in a sweet-smelling, colorless gas through a nosepiece. Patients become fully relaxed but still aware of their surroundings and able to communicate with the dentist if needed. At all times, your level of sedation can be adjusted during your procedure. A valued advantage of choosing nitrous oxide sedation is that the effects wear off within minutes after the mask is removed, which means you can safely drive yourself home if you wish.

For patients that have severe dental anxiety, a very lengthy dental procedure or a developmental disability, a deeper level of sedation may be used. At Basin Dentistry, we are qualified to offer IV sedation as well as hospital dentistry. This ensures that all patients, regardless of their needs, have the ability to achieve a confident and healthy smile.

A bad dental experience as a child, fear of needles and sensitive gag reflex are all common triggers for dental anxiety. Whatever it is that is causing you to avoid the dentist, please know there is a way to conquer it using sedation dentistry. Your smile deserves it.

Posted on behalf of Basin Dentistry